My new buddy Natalie over at I was told there would be pajamas, nominated me for this here "I heart this blog" award, and I am truely honored. I love reading her blog and all about her pregnancy and life. We have a lot in common - it's kinda creepy! As for me, I am a crap blogger who is not very good at keeping up with regular postings (even when I promise to!). I mean I still haven't posted about all of the crafty things I did for my wedding and that was 7 months ago! At this point I don't know if anyone even cares anymore that I made paper poofs, or cupcake sticks. Ah well, that's another story for another day (here I go again, making empty promises).
Back on track - thanks Natalie for nominating me. Here are the details of what the next steps are:
1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award
2. Share 7 things about yourself (Thank goodness this doesn't say 7 "interesting" things)
3. Award some recently discovered bloggers that are deserving
4. Contact those bloggers and let them know about the award
2. Share 7 things about yourself (Thank goodness this doesn't say 7 "interesting" things)
3. Award some recently discovered bloggers that are deserving
4. Contact those bloggers and let them know about the award
Let’s see, 7 things about me….oh there are so many random things I could pick. Here we go…
1. I have short pinkies. I think I have written about this a while ago but I’ll say it again. Yes, I have short pinkies. The weird thing is I didn’t even notice I had short pinkies until I was in my 20s. Nobody in our family has short pinkies but me. (My mom may have, but she passed away before I noticed and so far I haven’t been able to find any close up hand shots). Here is a pic of my hands in case you don’t believe me (and yes I am aware they look like sausages – I’m pregnant and retaining water, awesome!)….now if you look at your own hands chances are your pinky comes to the knuckle line of your ring finger, right? Yeah…I’m a freak!
2. I have a cat named Jesus. Well, it’s pronounced in the lovely language of espanol (heeey-seus) but yeah, it’s Jesus. See, what’sa happened was. My BFF Biscuit found this fantastic kitty back in 1998 behind a liquor store in our college town. I had just come back from break for the new semester and went over to her apartment to catch up…and there he was. So adorable, and with a little dreadlock behind one ear. He was scrappy but SO SWEET! Needless to say, Jen was in love. Biscuit said I could have him but ONLY if I kept his name. That’s when she laid it on me….his name is Jesus. I tried to protest, but she said it was the only way I could have him. That Biscuit is a tricky lass and I knew she would stick to her guns….so, here it is years later and I have my lovable Jesus.
3. There is nothing that scares me more than eye injuries! Specifically – the thought of getting a paper cut in the eye has haunted me for as long as I can remember. I have vivid memories of sitting in class in fear when kids would haphazardly pass papers back without even looking where they were flailing them! I am actually glad that I wear glasses because they provide some sort of protection from something hurting my eyes! In a moment of desperation I actually tried to get contacts so that I wouldn’t have to wear my glasses at my wedding. I really REALLY tried! I got fitted, and sat in that damn optometrist’s office for an hour trying to get one in. No dice. My eyeballs hurt so bad from poking at them that I had a migraine by the time I got home. I didn’t give up and gave it another go 2 days later..same result. So eff it, I gave up and had blurry vision on the big day. Thankfully I’m not so blind that I couldn’t see what was going on. It kind of gave it a romantic haze. Anyway, glasses for life and stay the eff away from my eyeballs with that paper damnit!
4. I grew up in New Jersey. I know those of you who have never been to the Garden State may think…..ew gross, there is nothing good about that trash and toll state. To you I say – SHUT IT! I grew up in NJ – but more the south central part. It was all farms and fields and fresh produce. I dare you to find a better tasting tomato or sweet corn than those that come from NJ! I grew up climbing the hay bales trying to catch the barn cats at my friend Patty’s cow farm, and going to parties in corn fields, and getting frisky on the bank of an irrigation ditch (not lying!) I think that New Jersey is a great state, and I’m proud to be a Jersey girl!
5. I hate drinking! Now before you think I’m getting all judgmental about drinking alcohol…that’s not exactly what I mean. I mean that I, personally, do not like to drink anything. Biscuit calls me the human camel and doesn’t understand how I can normally survive on such little liquid intake. It has been especially difficult being pregnant and trying desperately to get in the amount of water I’m supposed to each day. Sean has to keep on me at home to make sure I’m drinking water. It’s basically like torture to me. If left to my own devices, I could probably go on as little as 1-2 glasses of liquid in a day. I also don’t like drinking alcohol – but I think that may have a lot to do with the fact that it’s a liquid and I just have such trouble getting it down.
6. Another intake related one – I have a horrible sweet tooth. If I was allowed and there were no health or weight related consequences (and I wouldn’t go into a sugar coma) I could live on cake, ice cream, cookies and chocolate. Unfortunately if I actually tried to do that I would be about 1,000 pounds and probably die of diabetic shock. Lame! Bring on the steamed veggies…hmph
7. This last one is going to be a bit sappy, but whatever – my blog = my rules. Sean has definitely made me a better person. Before we moved in together I would wait until I had about 10 loads of laundry to do and it would be all over my bedroom floor. I was awful! He does his laundry every Sunday. Because of him…now I do too! I don’t want to be the slobby one with clothes all over the floor! Before I get all – horray me, I am doing such a good job being clean….that’s not entirely true. He is still way more tidy than me and usually beats me to emptying out the dishwasher and stuff like that – BUT I have been a slacker preggo lately who doesn’t have the energy to get off the couch. I am going to try my best once I have this baby and get my energy back to be a better partner and continue to follow his example of being proactive with things like laundry and dishes and whatnot. I hope he knows how much I appreciate him!
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So handsome and silly! | - I have been reading this blog for a few months now and I love reading about her pregnancy and what she's been going through and feeling. Our due dates are only a few apart and we're both expecting little girls so I'm super excited for her and love reading every post! - while I have known this woman for many years, I recently started following her blog and love to read about her little boy Trent and all the adorable things he does!
I'd love to hear about all the crafty stuff you did for your wedding. Our wedding was so bare bones and quickie (military issues, for those that don't know me) that I LOVE to hear about what other brides did.
PS: It's awesomely sappy for you to say those things about Sean; I get all mushy and sappy about Brian, too. He really did change my life for the better in a thousand different ways.
Hahaha. Love the list of things. But I must inform you one of the freaky things we have in common is short pinky's. Gasp! Mine hit my ring finger in the exact same spot as yours. Weird!
Um and I want to know about all the crafty stuff you did for your wedding.
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