19 Weeks!

Well, I’m now a little over 19 weeks preggo now and I feel great.  Sure I’m tired all the time…but I can do stuff on the weekends other than lay on the couch all day whining to my husband about how sick I feel.  I consider this a huge improvement! Around 9pm I lose all energy and have to drag myself to bed, but until then I’m in pretty good shape.

Anyway, I realized I hadn’t taken or posted any belly pictures so I figured I’d do that today.  Sean and I went to Larriland Farms in Woodbine, MD Sunday to pick out pumpkins.  This place is awesome! There was a hay bale maze, hayrides, a beautiful lake, cute goats you can pet, and lots of tasty treats.  We sampled some sweet potato fries and a piece of pumpkin pie and sipped on fresh lemonade.  It was fantastic!  And it was really warm out too! Almost too warm…but a nice treat for so late in the fall! I couldn’t have asked for a better day! I can’t wait until we have a little one that we can bring here to pick apples and pumpkins in the fall and berries and peaches in the spring/summer!

19 weeks preggo...look at that belly!

my handsome hubby and I


yeah....we're dorks!


hand pecked debb said...

My god, is that The Hoff on Sean's shirt?

jenniejen said...

Haha no it's Sensei Kreese from Karate Kid. It says "sweep the leg" under his picture. It's pretty awesome (I got it for him for christmas last year)!

N said...

YAY for fall! and look at your adoraballz belly. So exciting. I am in the same boat about hitting a wall at 9pm though. I need to hurry up with the nursery. It is only a matter of time before I will be hitting the hay at 6:30pm again. hahaha

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